ТекстIn a world where celebrities tend to be pander but remain self-absorbed, where stale chatter becomes the accepted interview rubric, and where beauty truly is only skin deep, it is refreshing to know there’s still Kristen Stewart.
She’s confident and collected, but she doesn’t seem to relish being the center of attention. In fact, so modest is she that she would probably disagree with an assertion that she is original or unique. Her humility and lack of self-sanctimony is what keeps her from being jaded and pompous, and she doesn’t gloat or take the attention to heart.
Her outstanding intellect and thoughtfulness causes her to easily spin circles around others. When asked the same question repeatedly by interviewers, she doesn’t regurgitate the same spoon-fed anecdote for each. Instead, she is thorough, imaginative, and articulate in answering the exact question presented her with a precise and current response.
Kristen Stewart also has a style all her own. A trend-maker of sorts, you can’t accuse her of following the leader. Instead, Stewart carves out her own stylistic path, and she doesn’t apologize for it either – even when people don’t like it (though they usually tend to). She knows her strengths and she plays upon them well. Coupled with her pliable charisma, Stewart’s fashion sets her apart from other current actresses in her age range.
She’s also an obvious professional in every sense of the word. A review of her stellar resume reveals that Stewart’s work ethic has been directly on par with the most celebrated actors and actresses of her lifetime (many of whom she’s worked right alongside). A serious person well beyond her years, Stewart simply could not be confused for someone who doesn’t take her job seriously.
Finally, Kristen Stewart is lovely. Without a drop of make-up, she is stunning. Depending on her mood, she can pull off hobo chic or extreme glamor (and everything in between).
The listed attributes are by no means exhaustive of the many traits that Kristen Stewart has going for her. In fact, one might care to guess that, with regard to her, the best is yet to come. Перевод(общими словами)
Среди всех звезд Кристен выделяется, потому что она верна себе, своему стилю. Она умна, сообразительна и креативна. Кристен не дает одинаковый ответ на одинаковые вопросы. У Кристен есть свой стиль, и она выбрала свою дорожку и ей все равно нравится её образ людям или нет. Так же она професиональна. Список её фильмов полон игрой с разными знаменитыми актерами, для своих лет она очень серьезная. И наконец то она милая. Даже без косметики она прекрасна. В зависимости от её настроения она может накраситься в стиле hobo chic или грамурно или другим любым стилем. 
Белла Свон (Кристен Стюарт),