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www.twifans.com/profiles/blogs/new-alice-still пожиратели трафика!Дакота прилетела в Вэнкувер

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Дакота ходит по магазинам в Вэне

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Джек в роли Ройс Кинга на съемках Затмения(видимо начали действительно с обоих флэшбеков)

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Эшли и Ванесса гуляют в Вэне

+в догонку ко вчерашнему:Эдвард-занавеска для душа

И еще автобусы

детали съемок затменияDakota Fanning arrived back in Vancouver today to work on Eclipse. Looked happy and excited, signed autographs for fans.
As already mentioned, Vancouver is now a hotspot for LA based paps, numbering over 20 as of today with 7 new arrivals. Is that legal? Kristen Stewart hit up the hair salon yesterday and was followed by 10 cars, and they waited for her outside to come out. The LA pap style is the scrum. There’s a difference between the scrum and the long lens. Most celebrities, obviously, with the exception of Ebola and Jessica Biel who aren’t so discerning because they just want to be seen, period, prefer the long lens, from across the street, so that they can walk undisturbed, which is why last Spring, before the arrival of so many photogs from so many agencies, Kristen and her costars were able to stroll around downtown without security.
But it’s also about supply and demand. The fans want more and more photos. The paps are delivering.
As for what Kristen was doing at the salon – am told exclusively that they were testing out a look, something to do with a transformation, not just her hair, but makeup and costuming too. As a vampire.
And there’s more exclusive information for you Twilight fans who’ve written such lovely messages lately in an attempt to balance out the hate – thank you! This is also a charitable gift for Old Lady Tour, even though you use information without crediting, which amounts to plagiarism, and even though you are often so embarrassingly wrong on your details, so much so that we have to keep doing your job for you, we’ll help you out because we can. We know you won’t thank us though. We are used to this.
It was a night shoot on Wednesday, the 3rd day of filming.
It took place in a barn. News spread on Twitter and fans and paps showed up and stayed out late.
The actors involved were: Jackson Rathbone, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Robert Pattinson, and Ashley Greene.
“Jasper and Maria” were back in the old days training with their army. Jasper agonises over a task he’s ordered to perform involving a newborn.
The “Edward and Alice” scene was from a vision, a memory from when he was inside Aro’s head…
More to come…Интервью Джулии(Леа)