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MTV Video Music Awards | Twilight: New Moon

Информация,что будет присутствовать в новом трейлере:
- Volturi lair - Aro, Caius, Marcus - Felix fighting Edward
- Edward being thrown about the lair two or three times.
- Bella begging them to not hurt him
- Edward leaving Bella in the woods (more dialogue than we've already heard)
- Bella in the woods
- Bella in despair in her room
- Bella confronting the pack, Paul morphing in to a wolf in front of Bella
- Bella and Jacob with Jacob's "I would never hurt you" line
- Bella on the bike seeing Edward and falling over.
- Edward vision in the school parking lot with voiceover from Bella saying it's the only way she can see him
- Bella and Jessica walking with Jessica saying "so you're an adrenaline junkie now"
- Bella on the cliff diving into the water. Bella in the water seeing Edward
- Jacob rescuing her and asking why she did that
- Alice appearing and telling Bella that Edward is going to kill himself
- Jacob trying to stop Bella from leaving to stop Edward
- Shot of the Porsche in the countryside, and Bella and Alice in the car
- Volterra and the parade
- Shirtless Edward
- Bella running to stop him in the fountain
- Jane saying something like 'this may hurt a little'