Alex Meraz interview
“I decided, all right, the Wolf Pack stay up all night looking for who’s killing people on the res, so we don’t sleep very much. So I thought it would be a great idea if I stayed up for 10 days straight.” What should have been a simple scene — a confrontation between Bella (Stewart) and the Wolf Pack — became, in Meraz’s mind, his “Brando moment.” Wanting to try something different, the actor played the scene overly aggressive: screaming, grabbing Stewart by the throat, hurtling his line at her.
“[Director] Chris Weitz comes off-set like, ‘Yeah, I like the energy Alex, but just take it down a little,’ ” Spencer chimed in: “Meanwhile the producers are freaking out back there.”
” ‘Cause nobody touches Kristen Stewart,” joked Meraz.
Things get even more heated for Meraz when he phases into a wolf. For “New Moon,” Weitz told the actors to envision the phasing sequences as a “pop like popcorn,” which meant the actors only had to do a little shake before CGI took over from there. For the novel’s wolf mind-reading sequences, the trio said it would be portrayed on film through quick glances. “With real wolves, that’s actually how it’s done,” Meraz said. “The alpha male does things just with its eyes.”
Очередной календарь. Простые смертные готовятся к выпускному)
Если помните я писала что девушка(Sabrina Frank) из Германии выиграла роль в Затмении.Так вот она будет играть Веру(если кто не помнит это подруга Розали в 1933 году, Розали завидовала её любви и ребенку, когда возвращалась от неё домой то на неё напал её же жених)
И Jack Houston(Ройс Кинг) тоже в Венкувере
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