MTV:Чего не хватает в трейлере?The Cliff Dive — Kristen Stewart told us long ago that Bella's pivotal cinematic near-suicide will be CGI, and we've got to admit: We're still a bit concerned. Fan-made videos like this one give us an idea of some things to expect from what could be the most powerful moment in "New Moon," but so far, nothing official. Come on, Chris Weitz — cough it up!
Fight Scenes — Although Catherine Hardwicke's "Twilight" won the hearts of millions of women, it won't be stealing men away from sports and "Star Trek" sequels anytime soon. Now, with male directors in place for the next two films — and increasingly darker, more action-oriented plotlines to come — it's time to start convincing the dudes that seeing "New Moon" will do more than put you in your lady's good graces. But what have we glimpsed so far? Shirtless Jacob, shirt-open Edward, shirtless wolf pack. "Fight Club" gave the same number of abs, but also brought along just as many punches to the face — so bring back the honey and chicken, already!
The Vanishing Volturi — As any good Twilighter knows, the Volturi feature prominently not only in "New Moon," but also in the overall arc of the "Twilight" saga. So, why have they become the J.D. Salinger of the film series? We want full-on, official shots of Aro, Caius, Marcus and the rest. No more slowing down video clips to see if that's Michael Sheen in the background — it's time to bring out the big guns.
Quil Be Seeing You — Everybody's got their own favorite quasi-obscure "Twilight" character, and mine is Jacob's "wingman" Quil Ateara. We know he's played by Tyson Houseman in the film, but we haven't seen so much as a publicity shot yet. Sure, some might laugh — but I'll be wearing a "Team Quil" shirt when I see the film on opening night. Which reminds me of a second complaint: Why has no one invented "Team Quil" T-shirts yet?
It Ain't Easy Being Human— They're the nicest people in the world and the backbone of the "Twilight" film series: Mike Welch, Christian Serratos, Justin Chon, Anna Kendrick, Billy Burke and others. But although these fan favorites are among the most visible at "Twilight" conventions and other events, we haven't seen so much as a glimpse of them in the "New Moon" trailers. It's bad enough that these guys don't get to pretend they have superhuman powers, the ability to live forever or even a clue as to all the craziness going on in Forks. "Twilight" is nothing without the humanity that Stephenie Meyer injected into it — here's hoping that Weitz remembers that element as he's working all those long hours and late nights in the "New Moon" editing bay.
переводПрыжок с утёса-Давно Кристен сказала нам что Беллин прыжок будет сделан на компьютере,что нам приходится признаться:мы все еще озадачены(как это будет выглядеть).Трейлеры сделанные фанатами примерно показывают что нам ожидать в самый отвественный момент "Новолуния",но пока нет ничего официального.
Сцена драки-Сумерки Хардвик покорили милионы женских сердец,оставив мужские сердца Стар треку и спорту.Но с двумя мужскими режиссерами драки и битвы обещают стать сключевыми моментами сиквелов.
На данный момент в трейлерах можно видеть Джейкоба без майки,Эдварда с раскрытой майкой и полуголых волков. Так что уже можно готовить курицу и мёд для драк(если кто не помнит момент когда Эдвард откусил что_то_там Джеймсу,конечно Кэм не пострадал,а вместо этого у него за шиворотом были куски курицы рьмазанные медом и сыр)))
Вольтури-Фанаты СС знают что Вольтури появляются не только в "Новолунии",но так же и в остальных частях Саги. Мы хотим официальных фотографий в полный рост Аро,Кая и Маркуса(да да,особенно Каяяяяяя!!!!!!!немедленно!срочно!!!) и остальных.
Квил-У каждого есть любимый персонаж саги,и мой(афтор статьи)-Квит Атэра. Нам известно что его играет Tyson Houseman в фильме, но на публике его практически не видили. Думаю многие будут смеяться-но на мне будет майка "Team Quil"(о да,и еще как будут смеяться!!!) во время премьеры Новлуния. Это натолкнуло меня на мысль:А почему еще не выпустили майки с "Team Quil" еще(о да,а заодно что ж там мелочиться пусть сделают Team Mike, Team Leah(я куплю себе одну обязательно),Team Charlie, Team Billy)
Не легко быть человеком-Они самые милые люди в мире: Mike Welch(три хаха четыре разааааааааа), Christian Serratos, Justin Chon, Anna Kendrick, Billy Burke и другие.Не смотря на то что она частые гости на всяких фан мероприятиях,нам не показали ни-че-го про людей в трейлере "новолуния".Стоит сказать что у простых смертных нет никаких сверхъествественных способностей и они не живут вечно и не знают ничего о том что творится в Форксе но все равно выдуманный мир Саги был бы ничем если бы не люди.Будем надеяться что Вейтц днями и ночами редактирует свою режиссерскую версию.
Девушка на роль Леи все еще не утверждена???
Коротко и своими словами:Саммит еще не дал никаких подтверждений на счет актрисы на роль Леи,ею все еще может стать Ваннеса которая в данный момент находится в Вэнкувере(Я тоже хочу жить в Вэнкувере!Очень очень!!!),она снмается там в новом фильме,съемки Затмения по графику начались вчера,так что все может быть.
This weekend, Vanessa Hudgens’ newest film Bandslam took to the theaters with promises that the second full trailer for The Twilight Saga: New Moon would play during its opening weekend.
The dripping faucet of illegal trailer uploads, though, put a damper in the equation lined up for Bandslam’s Twilight-related success, and the full, beautiful trailer for New Moon has since been released to the internet community.
Tuesday marked the supposed beginning of filming for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse in Vancouver, British Columbia, and photographs of Vanessa Hudgens with Nikki Reed were posted.
She is in Vancouver, reports say, for filming of her next movie Sucker Punch, but many are speculating that the star has been cast as Leah Clearwater for Eclipse. If so, Hudgens would join Eclipse newcomers Xavier Samuel, Jack Huston, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jodelle Ferland, and Catalina Sandino Moreno.
Hudgens isn’t the only Eclipse/Leah Clearwater hopeful in the basket, though. Another contender, according to popular belief, is Julia Jones.
Julia Jones has been seen in a number of films and television series, ranging from Hell Ride to ER.
Until an official release is issued on the matter, though, it’s all a game of speculation. In the meantime, what do you think of these potentials for Leah?
Роль Эдварда мог сыграть...Джексон Рэтбоун
Twilight director Catherine Harwicke recently revealed that the other candidates to play Edward Cullen were while at Twi Tour in Phoenix -
* Jackson Rathbone
* Ben Barnes
* Shiloh Fernandez
She also stated that she referred to them as Bachelor’s 1, 2, 3, and 4 (that is including Robert Pattinson!). As we all know, Jackson was cast in the movie as Edward’s brother, Jasper Hale.
What do you think? Loaded question I know! We obviously are very happy with Robert as Edward Cullen. Can any of you see Jackson, Ben, or Shiloh as Edward
Робу не нравится Эдвард Каллен и он не может оставаться в одном месте больше 20 мнут изза твиттера!Robert Pattinson Doesn't Like Edward Cullen, Twitter
'There will be a crowd if you are in a place for more than half an hour,' the 'Twilight' star says of the micro-blogging site.
Who doesn't love Edward Cullen? Who among the committed Twilighters could possibly muster a shred of criticism about everyone's favorite vampire? None other than Mr. Cullen himself — or, rather, Robert Pattinson, the British heartthrob who became a star when he signed on to Stephenie Meyer's vampire franchise.
"I like playing him," Pattinson said in an interview with the U.K.'s Daily Record. "I don't know if I like him as a person. ... He is a little straitlaced for my liking. He is not rebellious."
Pattinson might not have an overabundance of love for Cullen, but he certainly is no fan of the online world, which tracks his every move. "Because of Internet stuff and Twitter, there will be a crowd if you are in a place for more than half an hour," he said. "I've learned never to stay in the same place for more than 20 minutes."
The 23-year-old Brit confessed that he now prefers to be escorted by security when he finds himself in big crowds, as he did while shooting the romantic drama "Remember Me" in New York this summer.
"The biggest challenge is coping with the crowds," he said. "I am a quiet, private person. It's strange. You have to change a little bit. Walking down the street comes with screaming. ... But when you are by yourself, your paranoia runs and runs."
Another thing that RPattz can't stomach is watching himself on the big screen, so much so that he had a panic attack at the "Twilight" premiere last year. "I had never watched anything of myself since 'Harry Potter.' But I went to it because my whole family was coming to see it. Nothing comes other than this pure discomfort. I can't watch myself. I am just feeling everybody else's reaction. I can't handle that at all."
Then he probably will have to keep his eyes closed during the upcoming "New Moon," in which he has a topless scene. "I was so uncomfortable doing it," he said, adding, "It really is so embarrassing."
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Kristen Stewart Says The Paparazzi Want Her Soul
'Twilight' star talks about the pitfalls of fame in British magazine.
It seems like everyone wants a piece of the "Twilight" cast these days. Ever since they began filming the first movie in the series, the "Twilight" stars have become immensely famous. And with that fame comes all the speculation about their personal lives and the media's never-ending need to see what the group — especially its leading stars, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson — are up to at any moment of the day.
It's something that Stewart addresses in the September issue of the British magazine Dazed & Confused. And it's a fitting topic following the photos that surfaced of Stewart and co-star Robert Pattinson getting cozy at a Kings of Leon concert last weekend in Canada.
"The fact is, the paparazzi and most interviewers, they want your soul," she said in the magazine. "It's so scary because your persona ... and I guess I now have one, because people think of me in a certain way ... is all based entirely on quick snippets of crazed moments in your life. And that is what people then base their entire opinion of me on!"
She added that in those interviews, people can misconstrue what she says in any number of ways. "Anything you say can come and bite you in the ass," Stewart said. "It's not even like you say things you don't mean, it's just that sometimes they come out wrong."
The 19-year-old also said that when she chooses projects, she's careful to pick roles that she can relate to. "With 'Adventureland,' and pretty much everything else I've done, I've been lucky because they're characters I really identified with," she said. "Sometimes, I'll read something and it has something about it that makes you need to live it, and if you don't, it's like an unconsummated relationship."
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